| Steynberg het gewerk in klip, marmer, brons, koper en hout. Sy werk is verteenwoordig landwyd en internasionaal, onder andere 'n Bartholomew Dias standbeeld in SA Huis in Londen, 'n Andries Pretorius monument in Graaff Reinet, en 'n Vrede van Vereeniging monument in Vereeniging.
Steynberg word die beste onthou vir die uitkap van die standbeeld van Paul Kruger, te vinde by die Krugerhek, Kruger Nasionale Park. Sy beroemdste munstukontwerp is die pronkende springbok wat eers gebruik was op die 5 sjielings, wat die 1947 besoek na suider-Afrika deur die Britse Koninklike Familie herdenk. Die pronkende springbok-ontwerp was weer gebruik op die 5 sjieling en 50 sent krone vanaf 1948 tot 1964, die goue 1/2 Pond en 1 Pond muntstukke van die 1952-60 uitgawes, die goue 1 Rand en 2 Rand van die 1961-83 uitgawes, en op die Krugerrand medaljemunstuk-uitgawes wat uitgereik is sedert 1967.
Terwyl Steynberg die beste bekend is vir sy groot standbeelde van openbare figure, is sy vele privaatwerke, soos sy beroemde beeldjie van die dansende Mabalel, van sy deurslaggewendste werk. Onder die baie verskillende materiale waarmee hy gewerk het, is draad, seëllak, gekleurde glas en keramiek. In sy latere werke het hy meer tot die abstrakte geneig, en het selfs met maasdraad geëksperimenteer.
Coert Steynberg (7 January 1905 - 28 July 1982) was a renowned South African sculptor who worked in stone, marble, bronze, copper and wood. His work is represented nationwide and internationally, including a Bartholomew Dias statue in South Africa House in London, a Andries Pretorius monument in Graaff-Reinet, and a Peace of Vereeniging monument in Vereeniging.
Steynberg is best known for sculpting a statue of Paul Kruger, found at the Kruger-gate, Kruger National Park. His most famous coin design is the pronking springbok on all gold Kruger Rands. The springbok design was reused on the 5 shilling and 50 cents crowns from 1948 to 1964, the gold 1/2 Pound and 1 Pound coins of the 1952-60 issues, the gold 1 Rand and 2 Rand of the 1961-83 issues, and on the Krugerrand medal-coin issues that have been issued since 1967. While Steynberg is famous for his huge statues of public figures, his many private works are of his most definitive works, such as his well-known statuette of the dancing Mabalel. In later life his works tended to be of a more abstract nature. He experimented with a wide variety of materials, such as lacquer, coloured glass, wire mesh and ceramic. |
Coert Steynberg werk aan die Diaz-standbeeld by Suid Afrika Huis, Londen 1933
This work of a South African author was first published in South Africa and is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired. According to South African Copyright Act, films and photographs enter the public domain after fifty years counted from the beginning of the following calendar year after they were first published (or created, if unpublished).
A South African work that is in the public domain in South Africa according to this rule is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in South Africa in 1996, e.g. if it was published before 1946 and no copyright was registered in the U.S. (This is the effect of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.) |
Tydslyn van werke
Tydslyn: Coert Steynberg
1905 |
- Gebore op die plaas Hennopsrivier, Distrik Pretoria
1914 |
- Eerste beeld: Boesmankop in potklei
1927 |
- Verwerf die Cape of Good Hope Art Teachers Diploma in Grahamstad onder Prof. Armstrong
1928 |
- Studeer aan die Royal College of Arts in London, onder Prof. Gilbert Ledward, Richard Garbe en Henry Moore
- Verwerf die August Spencer-trofee vir klip beeldhouwerk wat elke derde jaar deur die RCA toegeken word
1930 |
- Besoek Italië, Frankryk, Duitsland, Oostenryk en Holland
1933 |
- Bartholomeus Diaz beeld aan Suid-Afrikahuis, London -Portlandsteen (Prysvraag)
1934 |
- Keer terug na Suid-Afrika
1935 |
- Timpaan en 12 dierepanele aan Stadshuis -Sandsteen, Pretoria (Prysvraag)
1938 |
- Bloedrivier-monument, Natal - Graniet. (Prysvraag)
- Voortekker-monument, Potchefstroom - Graniet
1939 |
- Kimberley-monument (Prysvraag)
- Twee Regters, voor die Magistraatsgebou, Johannesburg - Brons (Opdrag)
- Louis Botha Ruiterstandbeeld, Uniegebou, Pretoria - Brons (Opdrag)
1940 |
- Andries Pretorius-standbeeld - Graniet, Graaf-Reinet (Prysvraag) 1942
- Ontwerp drie munte; Vrye Frans-Kameroen, Frans Ekwatoriaal-Afrika en Madagaskar (Opdrag)
1943 |
- Franse Hugenote-Monument, Franshhoek - Paarlse Graniet (Prysvraag) 1944
- Sarel Cilliers-monument, Kroonstad - Brons (Prysvraag)
1945 |
- Andries Pretorius Ruiterstandbeeld, stadsaal, Pretoria - Brons
- Martinus Wessel Pretorius Standbeeld - Brons (Opdrag)
1946 |
- Gnl. Christiaan de Wet Ruiterstandbeeld, Bloemfontein - Brons (Opdrag)
1947 |
- Ontwerp ‘Pronkende Springbok’ vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Kroon Muntstuk as Herdenkings-munt vir die Koninklike besoek. Dit is nou op die Krugerrand.
- Ontwerp matryse van ‘n Springbok- en Leeukop vir die stempelmerk van die Suid-Afrikaanse goud - en silwer standaard-stempels.
1949 |
- Vier van sy kunswerke as deel van ‘n groepuitstalling op toer deur Europa en Amerika gestuur.
1950 |
- Word vereer deur benoeming as lewenslange lid van die Royal Society of Arts, London. (Die eerste Suid-Afrikaner wat dié eer te beurt val)
1951 |
- Reisende Eenmantentoonstellings in Pretoria, Kaapstad, Bloemfontein, Potchefsroom en Johannesburg onder die beskerming van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns.
1952 |
- Neem deel aan die Van Riebeeckfees kunstentoonstelling, Kaapstad en die Opelug Internasionale Uitstalling, Arnhem, Nederland.
- Gutenberg standbeeld - Brons- The Friend Newspapers, Bloemfontein (Opdrag)
1953 |
- Die Onbekende Politieke Gevangene, London. Model - Afrika Wonderklip met Mosaïek inleg. Een van finalis werke wat vir ses maande in die Tate Galery in London uitgestal is tydens Kroningsplegtigheid (Prysvraag deur UNESCO)
- Deelname aan die Rhodes Eeufees-tentoonstelling van Sentraal-Afrika, Bulawayo
- Ontvang Erepenning van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akdemie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
1954 |
- Ontvang medalje van die Britse Koningin vir verdientelike werk gelewer aan die Stad van Pretoria.
- Twee van sy werke word by die Biennale in Venesië uitgestal
1955 |
- Vereer met lidmaatskap van die International Society of Arts and Letters, Lausanne, Switserland.
1956 |
- Vrede van Vereeniging Simboliese Monument - Graniet en Vleklose Staal Vereeniging. (Prysvraag)
- Ontvang Lidmaatskap van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Deelname aan die Vierjaarlikse Uitstalling van Suid-Afrikaanse Kuns.
1960 |
- Deelname aan die Kunstentoonstelling ten tye van die Uniefees, Pretoria.
1961 |
- Opelugtentoonstelling in tuin van Steynberghuis, Pretoria-Noord
1962 |
- Piet Retief Standbeeld - Brons, Pietermaritzburg. (Prysvraag)
- Ontvang Lewenslange Erelidmaatskap van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kunsvereniging
- Ontwerp Beeldgroep om Staalnywerheid te versinnebeeld, Yskor, Pretoria. (Opdrag)
1964 |
- ‘Glanstoring’ en ‘Ons Hoop’ wat onderskeidelik die mynbou en opvoeding versinnebeeld - Brons, Emalje en Kleurglas
- Provinsiale Administrasie-gebou, Pretoria. (Opdrag)
1966 |
- Ontwerp Medalje vir 5de Jaarfees van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika ‘Promethius en Vulkanus’ - Brons.
- Yskor-Hoofgebou, Pretoria (Opdrag)
1967 |
- Dr H F Verwoerd -Brons, Parlementsgebou, Kaapstad. (Opdrag)
1970 |
- Vasco da Gama - Brons, Evora, Portugal. (Opdrag van Portugese regering)
1971 |
- Ontwerp medalje vir 10e Jaarfees van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika
1972 |
- D.Phil. (Honoris Causa): Universiteit van Pretoria
- Ontvang Medalje van die Academia Nacional de Belas Artes, Portugal
- Ontvang Medaje van die Admiraliteit van die Vloot, Portugal
- Strydomkop 10 x lewensgroot - Brons, Strydomplein, Pretoria (Opdrag)
1975 |
- Oorsigtentoonstelling, aangebied deur die Universiteit van Pretoria, in die Steynberg tuin en woning, Pretoria Noord
1976 |
- President Paul Kruger-standbeeld, 5x lewensgroot - graniet vir die Nasionale Krugerwiltuin (Opdrag)
- Generaal J B M Hertzog - Brons - 2x lewensgroot voor die Uniegebou, Pretoria (Opdrag)
1977 |
- Borsbeeld van Staatspresident N J Diedericks - Brons - 2x lewensgroot vir die Stadsraad van Johannesburg.
1978 |
- Simboliese figuur wat KRAG uitbeeld - gepoleerde Nikkelbrons - 2x lewensgroot EVKOM-gebou te Megawatt Park, Sandton.
1979 |
- Prestige uitstalling aangebied deur UOVS Bloemfontein
1980 |
- Prestige uitstalling aangebied deur die stadsraad van Bethal vir die dorp se Eeufeesviering.
- Prestige uitstalling aangebied deur die SA Kunsvereniging ter ere van sy 75e verjaarsdag. Volkskas Sentrum, Pretoria, met groter werke te besigtig in die Steynberg-beeldhoutuin
1982 |
- Vegkopmonument - Brons, Vegkop terrein naby Heilbron OVS. (Opdrag)
- Coert Steynberg het ook deur sy loopbaan ‘n groot aantal Opdragte vir Portret Borsbeelde ontvang en voltooi.
- Vir innoverende ‘Vrye Skeppings’ het hy tussendeur tyd ingeruim, waarvan die die meeste nou staatsbesit is, en onder kurasie van die NFI resorteer.
- Sterf 28 Julie aan hartversaking.
- Coert Steynberg, Coert Steynberg, 'n outobiografie. 1982 Standaard-versamelaarsuitg., 1e uitg.
- Mieliestronk.com, Coert Steynberg, SA beeldhouer van faam.
Steynberg se ruiterbeeld van genl. Louis Botha, een van sy vroeë en bekendste werke. Hy het in 1938 daarmee begin, dit in 1942 voltooi en dit is ná die Tweede Wêreldoorlog opgerig. Die beeld is uit vier ton brons gegiet—die eerste keer dat só ’n massiewe gietery in ons land onderneem is. |
In 1934 Coert Steynberg returned to South Africa. He won a competition to decorate the new City Hall in Pretoria and subsequently received numerous commissions for historical monuments, for example:
- Huguenot Monument, Franschhoek, 1948
- Louis Botha equestrian statue, Pretoria, 1947
- Gen de Wet Statue, Bloemfontein , 1954
- The Andries Pretorius statue, Pretoria, 1945
- The Peace of Vereeniging Monument, Vereeniging,1961
- The Vegkop Monument, Heilbron, 1983 - unveiled after his death.
With these monuments and busts, Coert Steynberg has left us a permanent record of the history and culture of the Afrikaner. |
Coert Steynberg grew up on a Highveld farm in the district of Bethal. He and his Ndebele playmates explored the farm, situated between bare hills, and made clay oxen beside the mud-pools. On the Highveld he developed a feeling for the monumental and spatial; in these surroundings, too, he acquired his knowledge of and love for the fauna and flora of his country. His Voortrekker ancestry fostered his intense affinity for Afrikaner history and culture.
Steynberg studied at the Rhodes University College, Grahamstown from 1925 to 1927, where he received a teachers' diploma. In 1928 he went to London to study at the Royal College of Art and was subsequently made an Associate of the college. He distinguished himself by winning the August Spencer trophy, a tri-annual award for the best student in sculpture.
In 1933 he won a competition to sculpt the Bartholomeu Dias statue for South Africa House, Trafalgar Square, London. He remained in London for four years after completing his studies and travelled through Europe to study the works of the old masters.
In 1934 Coert Steynberg returned to South Africa. He won a competition to decorate the new City Hall in Pretoria and subsequently received numerous commissions for historical monuments, for example:
- Huguenot Monument, Franschhoek, 1948 Louis Botha equestrian statue, Pretoria, 1947 Gen de Wet Statue, Bloemfontein , 1954 The Andries Pretorius statue, Pretoria, 1945 The Peace of Vereeniging Monument, Vereeniging,1961
- The Vegkop Monument, Heilbron, 1983 - unveiled after his death.
With these monuments and busts, Coert Steynberg has left us a permanent record of the history and culture of the Afrikaner.
Besides fulfilling his commissions, Steynberg also sculpted in order to express his inner feelings. In his personal art works we see his knowledge and love of the fauna and flora of South Africa, and his intense love of the veld. His affinity for indigenous material is expressed in his masterly use of different types of wood and rock. Steynberg also experimented with glass and metal. He was fascinated by light and space.
Coert Steynberg camped in the veld several times during the 1930s and thus developed an intense love for the Bushveld. The Bushveld atmosphere north of the Magaliesberg fascinated him and he bought a property there in 1939. On 1 November 1940 he married Betsie Bosman and in April 1942 their only child, Isa, was born. Betsie supported her husband in his art and spent her own time creating a beautiful garden.
The Steynbergs moved in prominent Afrikaner circles and mixed with leading political and cultural personalities . They created this unique dwelling, where they worked and spent their lives.
Steynberg grew up in an era when Paul Kruger was regarded as a statesman who had fought with great determination for the independence of the ZAR and who embodied the Republican ideal of freedom. He developed a lasting hero-worship for `Oom Paul'. His Kruger series sculpted in stone and consisting of The Rock (1969), The Mountain (1972), The Cliff (1972), and The Lion (1973), is the artistic expression of Steynberg's feelings about Kruger. Today these massive stone sculptures keep watch over Coert's grave in the garden of the museum.
Coert Steynberg is one of South Africa's most famous sculptors and exibited nationally as well as internationally. He received several honorary awards, such as a medal of honour from the South African Academy of Science and Art and an honorary degree, D. Phil (honoris causa), from the University of Pretoria.
Before his death in 1982, Coert Steynberg established a trust to preserve his collected works for posterity.